Sunday, March 13, 2011

Deuteronomy 8:1-10

Therefore keep the commandments of the LORD your God, by
walking in his ways and by fearing him. For the LORD your God is
bringing you into a good land… (8:6-7)

In this reading, Moses tells the people of God that they must keep
the commandments by walking in God’s ways and fearing him.
Moses goes on to say that God will bring them into a “good land”
where they will lack nothing. This leads me to understand that
walking in God’s ways means doing the same for others.

One way that Episcopal Relief & Development responds to this
call to bring others into a good land is through micro-finance. Last
summer, I stood in a field in Ghana with women who had been
provided good land to farm through a small loan from one of the
organization’s church partners, the Diocese of Tamale. The sense
of empowerment and hope was palpable. This hope extended to the
next generation, as the women shared with us that they would use
the money from harvested crops for their children’s education. There
are many others waiting for our willingness to walk with them into a
good land, into hope, into new life.

—Joy Daley

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