Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Psalm 78:1-39

... we will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the
Lord... (78:4)

The seventy-two verses of Psalm 78 are worth reading aloud.

Like an action-adventure drama, there are ominous clouds and
pillars of fire, food from heaven and water in the desert, hail and
thunderbolts, lying and rebellion, forgiveness and betrayal, testing
and deliverance.

We expect this kind of story at the movies, with a hero and a happy

But the Psalm, like life, is more complex—and more honest,
perhaps. Violence comes in cycles; destruction grows. Glimpses of
redemption seem dwarfed by famine and death, hunger and captivity.

And there are haunting questions: Does God’s wrath cause
suffering? Or do we? Why are some rescued, while others die?

Can we still speak of glorious deeds? Can we do them?

When our children ask us, what will we say?

—Josh Thomas

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