Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 Corinthians 10:14-17, 11:27-32 (Maundy Thursday)

Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we
all partake of the one bread. (10:17)

Jesus spends his last hours with his friends. The cross looms over
the meal. Jesus takes the role of a servant, washing their feet.

With this action, he epitomizes his life and ministry. He redefines
the conventions of this world. Greatness is defined by servanthood.
Loving God means loving each other. He is willing to die for this.

We gather at a meal in one place. There is one bread. We share.
We break it in many pieces. Our bodies are fed. That is life. At this
same table, our souls are fed.

In the same way the bread is broken, the world is broken. Jesus will
be broken. Yet there is hope. He leaves us with each other and his
Spirit to guide us.

In this last hour, how will we sit at the table together? How will we
share the one bread so that all may be fed?

—Karen Montagno

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