Saturday, April 16, 2011

John 11:28-44

Jesus began to weep. (11:35)

Within the religious salvation of our day, we Christians do a
remarkable thing. We dare to worship One who was, and is, moved
by the heartbreak of human life. Unlike other approaches within
the pantheon of religious experience, the God we worship does not
avoid or seek to escape the pain and sorrow of human existence, but
enters into it fully. Jesus loved Lazarus, and wept at his death.

The Cross is God’s willingness to enter fully into the human condition
where injustice and cruelty seem to reign. And yet the life given
Lazarus, and the empty tomb on Easter, proclaim that God does
more than embrace pain and death—God destroys them.
That, in a world that calls us into its pain, is our final and
deepest hope.

—Duncan Gray III

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