Monday, April 18, 2011

Reminder: Maundy Thursday Events

Scholars differ on whether the Last Supper was a Passover Meal or not. But one thing for sure, it must have been a meal of love and community.

The early Christians had tow meals on Sunday: the Eucharist and full feast of community, an agape meal. Later in history the Moravians dubbed this a "love feast."

This year as we prepare to remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, we too are going to have an Agape Meal. We will gather by candlelight in Stewart Hall to enjoy a simple Mediterranean meal of olives, dates, bread, cheese, wine (and sparkling water) before we journey quietly into the church for service to begin.

The stripping of the church will follow the Foot Washing and Holy Eucharist.

As the nave grows quiet, you are urged to stay a while and pray. The all night vigil begins immediately.

After the Last Supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemene to pray to his heavenly Father as he waited to be arrested, his journey to the cross to soon follow. Please sign up to prayerfully keep vigil with the living Christ. The Night Watch beings at the end of Maundy Thursday worship, April 21st.

Come alone or sign up with a friend or family member. Sign up for one of the 14 one-hour slots or sign up for more. To rise and pray in the night is a moving experience, an act of faith to stay awake with Christ before the journey to the cross. A sign-up sheet is on the cork board in Stewart Hall. Please see Mother Cynthia with any questions.

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