Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Saturday

It is a day of waiting. The worst has happened. The best has not yet arrived. Nailed to the cross just yesterday, Jesus is dead, and his death seems to make all that he has done at best irrelevant—and at worst, a cruel joke. The disciples are scattered, acutely aware of the loss and unable to imagine the new life that would destroy death forever.

In the work that the church is called to do among the battered and broken, it is so hard to see the fullest manifestation of the new life and renewed hope that is the fruit of our faithfulness. So we must live every day in hope, believing that the seeds given to the farmer in Sudan will one day feed his family, and the well that is being drilled will bring the water to a Salvadoran village in need.

Because we do not always see the fruit, we must always believe in the promise that nothing is lost, and that life, not death, is God’s final word.

—Duncan Gray III

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